2022 Press

December 8, 2022
These Supplements Are Popular. Do They Actually Work?
Consumer Report
many people turn to supplements when they are facing hard-to-treat issues. And sometimes they seem to help. But it’s difficult to know for sure whether a given supplement is working, especially when other lifestyle or medication changes may be underway at the same time. Read more.
November 29, 2022
Healthcare-Based Massage Therapy Can Soothe Patients
Next Adventure
Massage therapy has long been accepted as part of integrative medicine, and for ill individuals, bedside massage is a non-pharmacological intervention that can help manage symptoms without side effects and enhance the quality of life, says Carolyn Tague, CMT. Read more.
October 5, 2022
What Is Integrative Oncology?
Let's Talk Cancer
This episode talks with Dr. Kavita Mishra, an integrative oncologist, who explains how you can integrate many other aspects of health and wellbeing to supplement medical care to improve quality of life and cancer risk Integrative oncology topics include nutrition, physical activity, mind-body practices, yoga, sleep hygiene, acupuncture, bodywork therapy, guided imagery, meditation and more! Specifically we discuss: What is integrative Oncology? How to find an integrative oncology center? Listen here.
July 22, 2022
Does Smoking Marijuana Increase the Risk of Lung Cancer? The Jury’s Still Out
Cancer Therapy Advisory
Studies have indicated that smoking marijuana may not increase a person’s risk of lung cancer, but robust evidence is lacking. Source: Getty Images Though marijuana use is now legal in most of the United States, questions remain about how smoking marijuana can affect lung health and the risk of lung cancer in particular. Read more.
July 21, 2022
What Are the Benefits of a Lymphatic Drainage Massage?
U.S. News & World Report
While not as common as a Swedish massage, lymphatic drainage massage is known for its light pressure to help eliminate toxins and restore a healthy immune system. This gentle form of massage helps reduce swelling caused by lymphedema, which is when excess lymphatic fluids collect in the body, usually in the arms and legs. Read more.
June 15, 2022
How Useful Are Supplements?
The New York Times
If you spend any time on the holistic health side of TikTok, you might have started hearing about something called shilajit. Often ingested in a resin form, shilajit is sourced from the Himalayas and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Along with a rise in popularity and more attention, however, comes more misconceptions about shilajit and a greater likelihood that the shilajit products you see on the market might not be the safest or best option for you. Read more.
April 28, 2022
With many cannabis products but limited research, ‘education warranted’ for entire oncology workforce
Marijuana use for medical purposes, including control of cancer-associated symptoms, has gained traction over the past decade, achieving legal status in most states. However, when it comes to amassing a meaningful evidence base and overcoming persistent stigmas, its legitimacy has not entirely caught up with its legality. Read more.
April 6, 2022
What to Know About Shilajit, the Ayurvedic Supplement That's All Over TikTok
If you spend any time on the holistic health side of TikTok, you might have started hearing about something called shilajit. Often ingested in a resin form, shilajit is sourced from the Himalayas and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Along with a rise in popularity and more attention, however, comes more misconceptions about shilajit and a greater likelihood that the shilajit products you see on the market might not be the safest or best option for you. Read more.
February 3, 2022
Q&A with Dr. Chloe Atreya, Gastrointestinal Medical Oncologist, UCSF: Key Facts About Colorectal Cancer
Anticancer Lifestyle
I chose oncology -or it chose me- because I was drawn to try to help people live well with a serious illness that affects the whole body, mind and spirit— causing ripple effects throughout families, communities and for generations to come. Additionally, I earned a PhD in Pharmacology, and oncology is an area where there are ample opportunities to bridge research and clinical practice. Read more.
January 7, 2022
Understanding the approach to integrative oncology
Research suggests that cancer patients are interested in using additional interventions that may help improve the efficacy of conventional cancer treatments, increase their chance of survival, and/or reduce their symptom burden associated with cancer or treatments. They are also looking for complementary approaches that improve their quality of life during and following treatment, sometimes long after they are cured of their cancer. We are talking to internationally renowned integrative oncologists Dr. Donald Abrams and Dr. Kavita Mishra to understand the approach used as well as when and how best to include integrative oncology into one’s cancer care. Listen here.
January 5, 2022
Research Shows dCBT May Help Prevent Postpartum Depression
Psychiatric Times
A new study from the UCSF Osher Center found that a form of digital cognitive behavioral therapy (dCBT) may help prevent postpartum depression in women for up to 6 months after they give birth. Read more.
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