Movement Medicine: Qigong Practices to Promote Health
Gentle exercise to optimize energy, health, and well-being
Qigong, pronounced “chi gong,” was developed in China thousands of years ago as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It involves using exercises to optimize energy, health, and well-being of the mind, body, and spirit. Qigong has both psychological and physical components and involves the regulation of the mind, breath, and body’s movement, and posture. There are several health benefits of practicing Qigong, including improved sleep quality, energy, mood (including depression and anxiety), and balance. It has also been shown to help with fall prevention. Qigong may also help with pain, stress, cognition, memory, lung function and capacity, high blood pressure, and overall quality of life.
This series includes three weekly sessions taught by Dr. Stephanie Cheng. Each of the three weekly sessions will follow this general format: introductions/check-ins, discussion and counseling on movement medicine, tailored Qigong practices (majority of the session), and Q&A.
The sessions are open to participants of all ability and fitness levels. Most of the practices taught during these sessions will take place standing; however, the instructor will demonstrate seated modifications for all movements.