Cognitive and Behavioral Skills for Spanish Speakers Living with Cancer

Habilidades y recursos para afrontar la vida con cáncer

Esta serie de seis semanas está diseñada para ayudarle a aprender y aplicar herramientas para manejar la vida con un diagnóstico de cáncer. Esperamos que al final de la serie, tengas una comprensión más profunda de los temas y problemas comunes asociados con el cáncer. Esta serie contiene una cajita de herramientas y recursos para navegar el camino por delante. Aunque no podemos eliminar el estrés o la incertidumbre que acompaña un diagnóstico de cáncer, nuestro objetivó es que se sientas más seguro, confiado, y equipado para superar estos tiempos.

Los pacientes elegibles incluyen aquellos que reciben tratamiento en la UCSF. Los participantes deben estar disponibles para asistir a las 6 sesiones.

This six-week series is designed to help you learn and apply cognitive and behavioral tools to manage life with a cancer diagnosis. By the end of the series, we hope you will have a deeper understanding of common topics and issues associated with cancer and can identify healthier ways to navigate your cancer journey. This series includes a toolbox and resources to navigate the road ahead, including self-care techniques, navigating difficult emotions, changing unhealthy thinking and behavioral patterns, connecting with values, navigating relationships and communication, working through stress, fatigue, and pain. While we cannot eliminate the stress or uncertainty that comes with a cancer diagnosis, our goal is for you to feel more secure, confident, and equipped to handle these times.

Eligible patients include those who are receiving treatment at UCSF. Participants must be available to attend all 6 sessions.


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