2019 Press

July 11, 2019
3 Tips from UCSF's Guide to Eating Happy and Healthy
More than a dozen experts weighed in on happy and healthy eating as part of UCSF Magazine's 2019 summer issue. It's a treasure trove of tips you can check out here, and we decided to excerpt a few for you below. Bon appétit!. Read more.
May 5, 2019
Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Strategies for Diabetes and Sleep Problems
Nourish Balance Thrive
As a human being, I have a range of reactions to their defiance: concern, frustration, and compassion. As a doctor whose specialty is geriatrics, I try to weigh the many, complicated reasons an older person might be out with the significant reasons they — and all of us — should reconsider going outside. In these unprecedented times, individual liberties are at odds with the well-being of our species, and for most people, old and young, our present is pitted against our future. Read more.
April 8, 2020
Bernard Osher: Tirelessly Working for Good
The Jewish News of Northern California
Since his humble beginnings as a child of immigrant parents in Biddeford, Maine, Bernard Osher has become a prominent philanthropist widely known by the institutions that bear his name. Read more.
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