Adaptogenic Properties in Ayurvedic Medicine

Natural products (NP) have historically been a part of traditional and indigenous medicine. It continues to be used to this day in integrative health settings. Adaptogens fall under the NP category and have an ability to aid in the response to stress.1 Rasayana NPs are a type of adaptogen and come from the ancient tradition of Ayurvedic medicine. Adaptogen rasyanas target important oncologic pathways, therefore, making immune system functioning critical in oncology. Due to this and a growing body of research on rasyanas in oncology, a scoping review was performed to examine the current body of research to identify gaps in knowledge and to summarize the existing literature most research focused on pre-clinical studies on Ashwagandha and licorice. With the growing interest in adaptogens, this warrants more clinical studies to examine the effects of rasyanas on the immune system.