Osher Collaborative for Integrative Health

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The Osher Collaborative for Integrative Health comprises an international group of acamdeic health centers funded by The Bernard Osher Foundation to study, teach, and practice integrative healthcare. The Osher Collaborative amplifies the collective impact of the eleven Osher Centers on health and well-being for all.

•    University of California, San Francisco (endowed in 1998)
•    Harvard University (2001)
•    Karolinska Institutet (2005)
•    Northwestern University (2014)
•    University of Miami (2017)
•    University of Washington (2018)
•    University of Cincinnati (2021)
•    University of Wisconsin–Madison (2021)
•    University of Utah (2022)
•    University of Vermont (2022)



About the Osher Collaborative Coordinating Center

The Coordinating Center of the Osher Collaborative for Integrative Health supports a shared mission of fostering integrative medicine internationally by fulfilling three key functions: 

•    Strengthening connections among Osher Centers for Integrative Health
•    Enhancing the engagement of Osher Collaborative members across sites
•    Facilitating collaborative educational, clinical, and research initiatives

This global hub, hosted by the UCSF Osher Center, provides the infrastructure to support collective initiatives across all seven Osher Centers.

The Coordinating Center Team

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