Training in Research in Integrative Medicine (TRIM) Program

Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships
Prior fellow Helen Weng, PhD

The UCSF Osher Center’s Training in Research in Integrative Medicine (TRIM) program is a research fellowship funded by a T32 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Since its inception in 2007, the TRIM program has been highly successful in producing accomplished research scientists. 53% of the postdoctoral fellows associated with our program have received prestigious NIH mentored training grants (K awards).

The objective of the TRIM program is to train outstanding pre- and postdoctoral behavioral and social scientists, physicians, and other qualified health professionals to design and conduct rigorous clinical research so that they can become innovative, independent investigators and scholars in integrative medicine research. Predoctoral students must be currently enrolled in a doctoral degree program. Postdoctoral students must complete their degree prior to the start of the program.

The UCSF Osher Center is committed to reflecting this diversity in our faculty, students, and other academic personnel. We encourage applications from diverse scholars, especially those who have been systematically and historically underrepresented. Learn more about our vision, mission, and values here.

The TRIM program leverages UCSF's extensive research training infrastructure and robust, collaborative biomedical research enterprise. Fellows join an interdisciplinary integrative medicine center with strong programs in research, clinical practice, and education. Faculty mentors provide support and rigorous training in clinical research methodologies, including clinical trial design and advanced biostatistics. 

Program Activities

Research: Fellows spend the majority of their time conducting research. More details below.
Coursework: All TRIM fellows take Designing Clinical Research and Responsible Conduct of Research.
TRIM Seminars: Every month fellows gather for educational seminars presented by faculty on a variety of topics.
Works-in-Progress (WIP): Every month fellows gather with faculty to present research and provide feedback on each other’s research.
Journal Club: Fellows and invited guests meet four times during the year to discuss a paper in depth.
Writing Retreat: Fellows participate in a three-day offsite writing retreat each fall and spring. The program covers the cost of room and board.
Research Seminars: This bimonthly series features experts in integrative medicine research and is open to the entire Osher Center and UCSF community.

Faculty Mentors and Research Community

Trainees work directly with a faculty of renowned researchers, all of whom are independent investigators with a track record of mentoring. Trainees are matched with a primary faculty mentor and additionally receive direct guidance from numerous other expert investigators.

Osher Center faculty serve as core mentors. Additional UCSF faculty engaged in either integrative medicine or other relevant clinical research serve as affiliated mentors. Faculty members represent diverse disciplines, including anthropology, biology, biostatistics, education, health services research, medical ethics, medicine, neuroscience, psychology, psychoneuroendocrinology, and women’s health. Osher Center clinicians are also available to provide technical assistance and consultation on specific integrative medicine approaches that trainees may be interested in studying.

Monthly TRIM Seminars include trainees from across the Osher Collaborative for Integrative Health(link is external). Trainees connect with peers from across UCSF through shared coursework, including Designing Clinical Research(link is external) and Responsible Conduct of Research(link is external)

Details, Eligibility, and Application Process

We are now accepting applications for predoctoral positions starting in September 2025. If you have any questions about the program or are interested in receiving the application, please fill out this brief inquiry form(link is external). Applications are due January 10, 2025.

Please note that all postdoctoral positions have been filled through Fall 2026.

TRIM Program Co-Directors

Featured Image

Maria T. Chao, DrPH, MPA

Director of Research, Associate Director for Health Equity and Diversity, Associate Director of Clinical Research and Analytics
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