4/24: Free Webinar on ADHD with Dr. Sanford Newmark

How Diet, Sleep, Exercise & Behavioral Interventions Can Reduce ADHD Symptoms in Children
Live webinar with Sanford Newmark, MD, Osher Center Medical Director and author of ADHD Without Drugs
Wednesday, April 24, 10:00 am PST
Hosted by ADDitude Magazine
Update: If you missed the webinar, you can still catch it online!
Webinar Overview
Medications are an important part of the treatment toolkit for many patients with ADHD. But they don’t work for everyone, may have significant side effects, and simply aren’t an option for some people with comorbid conditions. Each child with ADHD needs a holistic treatment plan—one that targets symptoms while taking into account the whole child and his or her interactions with family, friends, school, and community. An effective plan will include various important interventions, used with or without medication, to help your child succeed.
In this webinar, you will learn about many such interventions and the following:
- optimal nutrition for ADHD
- how food sensitivities affect ADHD symptoms
- nutritional supplements with evidence-based research supporting their use
- the value and benefit of exercise
- the crucial importance of sleep and how you can improve it
- the role of stress in ADHD symptoms
- parenting strategies to raise a confident child