2/24: Dr. David Becker to Present at Migraine Education Day

On Saturday, February 24, Dr. David Becker will speak at the 2018 Migraine Patient Education Day, sponsored by Miles for Migraine, along with several other clinicians from UCSF and other Bay Area medical centers. Dr. Becker’s presentation will be on the Mind-Body Experience, as it relates to migraines, and he will also lead a break-out session on this same topic that afternoon.
This program is designed for:
- people with chronic and episodic migraine headaches;
- families and people who care about those with migraine headaches;
- people with other headache disorders; and
- People with a genuine interest in the well-being of persons with headache disorders.
This daylong event will be held from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm on February 24, at the William and Susan Oberndorf Auditorium at UCSF Medical Center Mission Bay, in the Betty Irene Moore Women’s Hospital and Bakar Cancer Hospital, 1855 4th Street in San Francisco. The fee is $20 to attend in person, or free via Facebook Live. Details and online registration are available on the event website.